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SHIELD Code of Conduct

What The Shield Means

The shield is a call to action; a symbol entrusted to those looking to help with our mission to lead (first yourself, then others), inspire (yourself/others through actions/words), and equip (yourself first, then others) others to create a vibrant world, filled with people who seek adventure, have found fulfillment, and meaningfully contribute in powerful ways.


-Live your values. Our founder's values are P.O.A.C.H. and Love, Creativity, Love of Learning, Fairness, and Hope


-Pursue what matters to you: Our founder's core passions are Love, Leadership, & Life (in that order). 


-Be a ****ing formidable force for good.


-Have the courage to challenge others to grow; this will be uncomfortable from time to time. It takes time to learn correctly; be careful while learning, as failure can come with a large cost here (and not everyone has learned how to use failure/pain for growth).


-Seek to positively impact others.


-Seek to make your life a grand adventure.

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